Upon arriving in Hawaii, everything I had imagined it would be came true: clear blue ocean, white sand beach, humid wind breeze, lush tropical plants, spectacular sunsets, double rainbows, friendly locals, swarming tourists, and delicious Mai Tais!
But there’s one thing I never thought Hawaii would be:
a paradise for vegans.
If one’s to say vegan paradise, I’d automatically think Portland, Seattle, or San Francisco, and not the state that resemble so much of the Philippines including its love of eating roasted pig.
Boy was I in for a surprise treat.
After my boyfriend and I checked in at our hotel, our first stop was the ABC convenience store located in every corner of Waikiki. After perusing, I spotted and bought seaweed musubi and plum musubi! Score!
We grabbed our purchases and took the bus to have lunch. We later found ourselves at Peace Cafe.
Peace Cafe is a hub for all things vegetarian and vegan healthy, similar to Cafe Gratitude of the Bay Area minus the raw factor. The place was quaint and urban. We must have ordered half of the menu that day because we were starving! I was pleasantly surprised to see that people do flock this place to eat, study, and/or have a meeting. The couple next to our table was discussing their wedding itinerary with a dance troupe.
Chris and I enjoyed our food, although I secretly wished it had more grease. The food was healthy and heavy enough though to keep us full and satisfied throughout the day.

I forgot what you call this dish, but it has Kale, bean sprouts, veggies, and some kind of grain I had never tried before (not quinoa).
About two blocks away from Peace Cafe was another vegan-friendly place, “Down to Earth”, which puts Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s to shame.
Down to Earth has so much more array of organic fruits, vegetables, cheese alternatives. Plus, Down to Earth offers various vegan meals such as Vegan Calamari, Vegan Lasagna, Vegan Lamb Vindaloo and so much more! Unfortunately we didn’t have a kitchen in our hotel room to try these products. We did however, have a microwave, toaster, fridge, and blender so we bought Almond milk, mock egg salad, pineapple, vegan burger patties (not Boca or Garbenburger, yuck) , vegan milk chocolate bar, and a big bottle of water.

Had never seen a Tofurky Pepperoni Pizza until that day…I wonder how come they’re not available here in the Bay Area.
After tons of walking, gallivanting, and of course, swimming, Chris and I grew hungry and ready to eat again-except it was already past 9pm and most restaurants had already closed. Bars and clubs were our only hope. Good thing I brought my iPad that has the Happy cow application. We researched and found a bar called “Yardhouse”.
When we arrived, Yardhouse was packed to the gills with tourists, most likely because of its endless beer on tap. After 20-30 minutes of waiting, the commotion had calmed down. The waitress led us to our table and handed us the menu -which has a special section of Gardein!
I ordered the Gardein buffalo wings and Chris got the Gardein chicken fried sticks. Both were equally scrumptious. Yardhouse saved the night! And just recently after getting back from my trip, my co-worker has told me Yardhouse also has locations here in the Bay area 🙂
Gardein fried chicken strips is a soy product, so yes. And it does have the same taste and texture as chicken strips. My boyfriend and I joked about serving it to his friends and they wouldn’t have known the difference. Anyway, feel free to try for yourself. I believe certain grocery stores carry em, or just check out Yardhouse.
I haven’t been back to the islands in years, since the family officially left in 2005. But man…seeing pictures of Down to Earth brought me way back to late nights walking around in slippas. I never would’ve thought of Hawai’i and vegan paradise in the same sentence (although there is beautiful fruits, vegetables, fish and homegrown yummies there) so it’s fun seeing the vegan experiences ya’ll gleaned. Thanks for the post.
I love Down to Earth! I agree…their Mock Egg Salad is to die for! I even like their Mock Chicken Salad, too.
I never knew Yard House had vegan meals. That’s awesome. Every time I go in there, I have a hard time getting over how much beers they have!
Thanks for saying nice things about my hometown. I hope you two come back real soon!
Wow, when I went to Hawaii I had a HORRID time trying to find vegan food. I ate a lot of Cliff bars … wish I had made it out to Peace Cafe!